Ireland Standards Alignments

Education Standards Alignment with Crayola Creativity Week

Supporting Learning through Cross-Curricular, Creative Learning Experiences

Oral Language


  • Actively listen and extract meaning and enjoyment from conversations and texts in a range of genres and where possible, in various languages.

  • Choose, listen to, critically respond to and create texts in a range of genres and in other languages where appropriate, across the curriculum for pleasure, interest, and specific purposes.

  • Explore how culture and identity can influence how people communicate with others, verbally and non-verbally.


  • Demonstrate understanding by listening actively to, understanding, analysing and responding appropriately to conversations and texts in a range of genres and across other languages where appropriate.

  • Respond creatively and critically to what they have heard and experienced.

Exploring and Using

  • Express personal needs, opinions and preferences, explaining and justifying their perspective.

  • Create narratives and retell stories and events, both real and imaginary, for various audiences, using imaginative and figurative language, elaborating where appropriate.

  • Use language playfully and creatively in their own conversations and texts and across other languages as appropriate.

  • Analyse and select information to communicate ideas and opinions for a variety of purposes, such as informing, debating, explaining, justifying and persuading.

  • Describe, predict, reflect upon and evaluate actions, events, processes, feelings and experiences relating to a wide range of real and imaginary contexts.



  • Attend to, take part in and enjoy listening to reading and talking about the meaning and interpretation of written words and illustrations with others, recognising themselves as readers.

  • Engage with texts of increasing complexity and discover and explore texts in various languages.

  • Choose, read and critically respond to texts in a range of genres and languages across the curriculum for pleasure, interest and specific purposes.


  • Recognise and compare sounds in words in English, Irish, other languages and across dialects and accents

  • Use a range of word identification strategies flexibly and with confidence when reading instructional and independent-level texts across the curriculum.

Exploring and Using

  • Identify and discuss features of texts which convey a particular purpose, genre , or voice and infer meanings which are not explicitly stated.

  • Respond to the aesthetic , creative, and imaginative aspects of a wide range of texts in various genres across the curriculum and defend their preferences and opinions.

  • Compare, contrast and critically reflect on the intent of different authors and discuss various interpretations of text in a wide range of genres.

  • Compare and select comprehension strategies flexibly and interchangeably and use background knowledge to engage with text in a variety of genres independently or collaboratively.



  • Engage positively and purposefully while creating text in a variety of genres, other languages where appropriate and across the curriculum.


  • Examine, select and justify appropriate vocabulary to create text across a range of genres and other languages where appropriate for a variety of purposes and audiences.

Exploring and Using

  • Draw and write with a sense of purpose and audience while creating texts in a range of genres and other languages where appropriate.

  • Develop an individual voice to share their thoughts, knowledge and experiences.

  • Create text for a wide variety of authentic purposes, demonstrating an increasing understanding of the influence of the audience on their work.

Visual Art

  • ·look at, enjoy and make a personal response to a range of familiar and unfamiliar objects and images in the environment, focusing on their visual attributes

  • explore and begin to develop sensitivity to qualities of line, shape, colour and tone, texture, pattern and rhythm, spatial organisation and the three-dimensional quality of form

  • express ideas, feelings and experiences in visual form and with imagination, enjoyment and a sense of fulfilment

  • experiment in spontaneous, imaginative and increasingly structured ways with a range of art materials, including pencils, paints, crayons, chalks, markers, inks, clay, papier mâché, fabric and fibre, and construction materials

  • explore the expressive and design possibilities of the materials within a range of two and three-dimensional media, including drawing, paint and colour, print, clay, construction, fabric and fibre

  • apply skills and techniques, demonstrating increasing sensitivity to the visual elements in his/her art work

  • look with curiosity and openness at the work of a wide range of artists and craftspeople

  • explore atmosphere, content and impact in the work of artists, especially when they relate to his/her own work identify a variety of visual arts media and describe some of the creative processes involved

  • develop an ability to identify and discuss what he/she considers the most important design elements of individual pieces, especially when they relate to work in hand

  • discuss the preferred design elements in his/her work and in the work of classmates

  • begin to appreciate the context in which great art and artefacts are created and the culture from which they grow

  • respond to visual arts experiences in a variety of imaginative ways

  • use appropriate language in responding to visual arts experiences